Thursday, August 04, 2005

Who are these guys? Monorail don't need more badness

UPDATE: Just got a late-night e-mail from the 2045 folks. Despite the slickness of it all, I am reassured that truly is a grassroots effort to change things and not another 'new media' PR effort. That's good news. Too bad I'm so jaded that I mistake workmanship for spin. Hopefully the monorail can deliver me back to my previous state of eternal optimism ;) Anyhow, 2045 says they'll look at the whole transparency thing soon so stay tuned and get involved if you give a hoot.

Here's a blog that smells a little funny. 2045Seattle claims to be written by some confederation of concerned citizens but there are no names and no contact info anywhere on the site. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but the monorail hasn't been the most trustworthy entity I've ever backed. I've written in and tried to post a query to find out their relationship to the monorail powers that be but, so far, they haven't approved the post and haven't responded in e-mail. Hmm. At this point, the last thing the monorail needs is another batch of spin and poor transparency.


Anonymous said...

Well, frankly 2045 Seattle is me, some friends and their friends and a few more friends past that. We've been talking about doing something for weeks and finally just did it.

As for not getting back to your comment earlier today, I went straight from work to the monorail meeting (which was quite long) to getting some much needed dinner to posting this comment right now and catching up on my 'normal' life.

As for no names, that's a mix of bashfulness to some degree and the rate at which the site was cranked out, but I promise to remedy that soon.

K and/or J said...

I stand corrected. Updated post above!

K and/or J said...

Ask, and ye shall receive - we gave you a whole post on alt/gay Seattle, you lucky dog.