Monday, September 19, 2005

Why a monorail? Baghdad by the Bay

Herb Caen didn't have the current state of things in mind when we would refer to SF as Baghdad by the Bay. He meant it as a compliment with a wink. San Francisco, while a "new" American invention, is exotic, crowded and bustling and full of both filth and wonders. We return from a weekend in Caen's Baghdad to Seattle and find it almost as crowded, slightly less bustling but definitely equal in filth. It would be nice to add a few wonders here, however. No, we don't count the Space Needle. Instead, we find news that the mayor has pushed us to answer the question, yet again. "Are you sure, double-dog sure that you really, truly realy want a monorail? Absolutely positive?"

I don't know what we'll say this time. But since the question really does seem to be about the general want (and leaves the specifics to be fucked up later by political machinations) my guess it will be a simliar reply. We'll ask for something wonderful, again, no doubt.

Here's what the rest of the world has to say abou it.

-- j

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