Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Protest today on the streets of Seattle

Your kid might have skipped school today but it was for a cause. It looks like today's student walkout to protest war in Iraq actually happened. There are so many attempts to make a statement that it's sometimes hard to separate effective, organized efforts from somebody with a lot of time to make flyers.

Here's an eyewitness account via instant messenger from a downtown highrise:

K: the kids are marching and they are loud
Sent at 12:44 PM on Wednesday
j: a lot of people?
K: not a ton, but it's not embarrassing either
j: 200?
K: yeah, at least - twoish blocks worth
in the street, not on sidewalks
they had drums

Eyewitness K reports the crowd is headed up Capitol Hill if you want to join up.

-- j

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