Monday, May 09, 2005

Life in Uptown

Seattle doesn't really need a new neighborhood but I don’t want to live in Lower Queen Anne or even Upper Queen Anne for that matter. I want to live downtown in the city with people who ride the bus (though I rarely do) and dogs that are rat-sized (though I don’t have a dog) and hair salons barely outnumber coffee joints and fancy-pants restaurants (though I have nothing parenthetically funny to insert here).

But if I say I live downtown, you might think I live in a highrise or at the mall or in a comfy booth at the Déjà vu. I don’t. I live in the catbird seat above Elliott Bay, overlooking the under-construction sculpture garden, watching the PI globe spin round just north of the graceless hub-bub of Belltown, just west of the Space Needle pointing to the sky. I live uptown. Calling it by name, I live in Uptown.

It’s not Belltown, or Georgetown or Allentown so post your propaganda for those 'hoods elsewhere, thank you very much. We’re here to talk about life in Uptown - to celebrate the best convenience stores, latest sushi restaurant and most annoying local *feature* (I nominate the gross permanently-wet sidewalk in front of Dendreon (what are those people doing in there anyhow???).

Our bounds are relatively small geographically. WikiPedia’s Seattle denotes Uptown
as the area west of Seattle Center but I’ll cut the lines more
specifically as this blog progresses. First, we take a small triangle
from Belltown, claiming Broad and north. Watch out Seattle, I'll be
claiming more down the road.

Seattle probably doesn’t really need a new blog, either. But here you
go anyways. At least we're being efficient -- instead of two ranters
and ravers taking off on separate flights of fancy, my gf and I are
consolidating our efforts in this single, soone-to-be spectacular blog.
But I'll let her tell you all about that part.

- J

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