Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Not-so-great Seattle Shake

Call me negative and chemical dependent but I can't not post another nasty note in response to yet another ridiculous liquor write-up in one of our local rags.

The ultra lame Seattle Shake promo didn't peter out because people would rather drink wine than cocktails, I assure you. Proof? Just head out to any bar in Belltown around 5p and make a little sharpie mark on your table each time one of the cubicle princesses in the lounge downs something pink and sticky.

The thing sucked keg fumes because it was
a) not that great of a deal and
b) limited to the hours of 7 to 10 when we are either already drunk and eating tater tots at Noc Noc or home having sex on the couch (yes, this is my routine pretty much every night, thanks for asking)

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