Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cheap shot apology

Yesterday, I picked on a local blogger -- today, I should say sorry. I was trying to make a point about the personal nature of many (most?) blogs but did a crap job of it. What I should say now is there are a lot of reasons to have a blog. We do this for our reasons -- we like to know what is happening in the area we live, we like to praise stuff we like and un-praise stuff we don't and, frankly, we like to look at click charts to see how many people are reading. Somebody else does it for theirs. And you read because, well, you're pretty darn sure the boss doesn't know about how much time you spend surfing. Irony, oh irony -- we're making diary posts!

-- j

(p.s. -- It was also cold and rainy when I got up this morning. And I was sleepy. And I had an apple fritter for breakfast.)

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