Tuesday, November 15, 2005

15 great Seattle blogs

We've updated our sidebar list of favorite local blogs. We limit our list to blogs that (mostly) cover local events, thoughts and issues. The web has a global reach and some of our favorite sites harness this worldwide power. But we also think there is plenty of room for a more local focus and that there is power in that too -- strangely enough, even the most local, navel-gazing post about your neighborhood will draw interest from around the world. We'd recommend these 15 to everybody from Cape Town to Belltown.

  1. Belltown Bent (neighborhood)
  2. Cascadia Scorecard (enviro)
  3. Cornichon (foodie)
  4. Evergreen Politics (enviro)
  5. HorsesAss (PNW politics)
  6. Metroblogging Seattle (pro)
  7. Queen City Cruise News (GLBT)
  8. Rain City Real Estate (real estate)
  9. Restless Reader (literati)
  10. Seattle Bon Vivant (foodie)
  11. Seattle LiveJournal (community)
  12. Seattlest (pro)
  13. Slog (pro) )
  14. USS Mariner (jock)
  15. You Deserve the Truth (media)
-- j/k

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Anonymous said...

Thanks, guys, for including Cornichon in your Favorite Fifteen. May the power of the pickle be with you.

Anonymous said...

Great list - Thanks.