Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The 31st most relevant Seattle blog... ever

According to Technorati, we rank 31st among Seattle blogs in terms of 'authority' -- Technorati bases its authority calculations on the number of current incoming links and sources to a given blog tagged 'seattle' in the Technorati system. So, really, there are lots of more authoritative, more relevant blogs about Seattle that either aren't tagged for Technorati or not linked to in a way that is counted in the Technorati rankings. The other problem is way simpler -- tagging a blog 'seattle' is just too easy to do. Some of the blogs in the rankings above and below us aren't really about Seattle at all. Some happen to be written by people living in the city - others happen to work for big corporations like SBUX that have their HQ here.

So, what's the point beyond our ongoing need to be measured and treat life like a competition?

First, if you're a blogger yourself, make sure to include a link to your favorite blogs in a fashion that registers in Technorati. We need to update our links -- a few of our faves have faded away. There's a responsibility to link -- no matter why somebody keeps a blog, having visitors is important. If you like something, you need to link to it to help keep it alive. Systems like Technorati hold the key to connecting with an audience. This is especially important for small, homebrew micro-blogs like ours.

If you leave the blogging to attention-starved writer types, you need to be a discriminating consumer. Don't settle for the top scrape from the various search engines and tagging systems. Sometimes you just have to get more specific -- we like our ranking for 'belltown,' for example, very much!


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I always enjoy reading your blog and learning a little more about the Uptown area!