Thursday, November 17, 2005

25 for $25 in Uptown: Flying Fish

We're not usually swayed by the over-hyped 25 for $25 dining promotion. In fact, we actively avoid it as an introduction to a restaurant we've never been to before. It's the wrong way to say hello to a new menu, we think. But last night we were at an old favorite and found ourselves ordering the pieces of the 25 promo menu anyway -- so, what the heck, why not have pumpkin cheesecake too? Like we said, we'd rather you have your first experience with Fish free of the constraints of the deal menu -- but we also understand saving some cash. BTW, surprising that 25 for $25 doesn't have some sort of charity component. It seems like that would be a good way to give the whole promotion a little heart and soul.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Charity?! Three courses for $25?! DINERS are the charity case at that price. Be grateful. Order a bottle of wine with the meal and keep the restaurant from LOSING money. Is Seattle for real?